Friday, July 10, 2009

Inspired in Africa: Making a difference in lives of women by empowering them

LET'S FACE it. Sometimes life can feel fairly mundane. As we move from one moment to the next, much of our focus is on dealing with the seemingly insignificant minutiae. Then, we get a wake-up call of sorts. Something happens that forces an epiphany: Those few, precious moments in life when we gain a genuine insight into the reality or essential meaning of something important. It requires us to take stock of what's truly important and, really, what we're doing here in the first place.

These moments of clarity might be precipitated by an acute event like the birth of a child or the death of a friend. For me, it all began with a few simple but poignant moments on a recent trip to Africa.

I spent seven days in Mozambique with CARE, a leading global humanitarian organization. I was there to observe their work and to meet the people who benefit from it. Just when I thought I knew so much, I realized I know so little.

Mozambique is on the southeast corner of the continent. Like most African nations, it has a remarkable and painful history. In the 1990s after a 16-year civil war broke the back of the country and the hearts of the people, Mozambique became known as the poorest country in the world.

While the Mozambicans have made a heroic and breathtaking comeback, some wounds of the war remain. One in four children dies before his fifth birthday; 70 percent of women cannot read or write; and roughly six out of 10 people do not have access to clean water. Cogitate on those numbers for a moment.

In spite of all this, the Mozambicans have a radiant optimism and an indomitable spirit.

In Mozambique, CARE focuses on preventing poverty by addressing its root causes, not merely its consequences, just as it does in more than 60 countries. To do that, the poverty-fighting experts at CARE pursue a three-pronged strategy.

First, it embraces a rights-based approach. Take water, for example. CARE doesn't stop once the well is dug (the necessary front end); it advocates for the right of all people to have access to clean water (the necessary back end). Second, it forges partnerships with the local people, allowing them to participate in the decisions that affect their lives. And third, CARE strategically focuses on empowering women who, incidentally, suffer disproportionately from the ravages of poverty. And, rather than regard these women as victims desperate for help, CARE works to tap into women's innate power to help them change their own world. For good.

Two events led me to CARE in the first place. The first occurred in December 2003 during the 36 hours that my wife, Alexandra, gave birth to our daughter Vivienne. In the most splendid moment of my life, I couldn't help but think that millions of women have lost their lives simply trying to give it -- and more die every day.

The day I met my daughter was the day I committed to fight for women and girls in poverty worldwide.

Then, several months ago while in New York, I saw the CARE "I am Powerful" public service announcement. I was struck by the image: a strong, dignified, graceful woman and next to her the words: "She has the power to change her world. You have the power to help her do it." I connected with that uplifting message, and it moved me to think that I had the power to make a tangible difference in the lives of women and their families.

So, I called CARE, we forged an alliance, and within a couple of months, I was on my way to Mozambique. The beauty of serendipity.

On the first day there, I met one of the most powerful women in the world. To some, the word "powerful" might connote a wealthy or widely influential figure. This woman is neither. In fact, she is among the poorest of the world's poor in terms of money. But, she is among the richest of the rich in terms of authentic power.

Her name is Albertina Francisco - a stalwart, stunning 44-year-old woman who leads a community water project in Kongolote, which is on the outskirts of the capital city of Maputo. Albertina has taken on the critical job of ensuring that her community, composed of roughly 100 families, has regular access to clean water via nine "access points."

This is a woman with little money or education, living in a culture where most women are not permitted to hold positions of authority. But, she has risen up against all odds to perform a job that nobody else would do, a job that is saving lives.

As I strolled the dusty roads of Kongolote with Albertina, and observed how people reacted to her, I realized I was in the presence of true, authentic power. It was humbling.

That is the moment I gained an authentic insight into the essential meaning of the word "power." Albertina's power stood in stark contrast to the kind of power usually derived from money, influence - or sheer force. According to Sweden's Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, there are 15 active armed conflicts raging in the world now.

In contrast, Albertina's power has been bestowed on her as a result of worthy, courageously noble acts. It was not demanded, wrested or seized. It comes from what she does, not who she is. And, Albertina exercises her authentic power with humility, compassion, fierce dedication - and grace.

Albertina Francisco is empowered, and she is using that authentic power to change her world every day.

My time with Albertina gave rise to the first of many lessons while in Mozambique:

I learned that empowering women can break the complex, downward cycle of poverty and create an upward spiral of positive change that lights up entire communities. I learned that the empowerment of women and the well-being of children go hand in hand. When you nurture a mother, her children flourish.

And, I came to understand that, worldwide, women are the most untapped treasure-trove of power that history has ever seen - and that when women are supported with even the most basic tools and training, a fire of hope and optimism for a better life lights in their eyes. Then, that fire spreads as others join in strong solidarity to improve the health and well-being of their communities. Once this happens, there is no stopping it.

I saw all of this firsthand, and I can tell you that the progress these women are making in Mozambique, with the assistance of CARE, feels like the inexorable juggernaut of the civil rights movement. It can be resisted, but it cannot be stopped.

Further, I discovered that despite having so little, the people of Mozambique give so much. They are the most generous, gracious and dignified people I've ever met. They respond to the smallest acts of kindness with the biggest displays of gratitude. And finally, I realized that as an American, I have been granted the privilege and the capacity to bring about great, positive change - and it's incumbent upon me to do just that.

I believe it's important to empower people near and far. At home, we become empowered when we exercise and live healthier. Farther away, in a place like Mozambique - where a woman's life expectancy is a little over 40 years - we can help empower women to improve their health and well-being and that of their families. I also believe we need to be inspired by a greater purpose to confront life's hardest challenges head on.

That is why CARE and I have come together to launch the "I am Powerful Workout" campaign. I am training for the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon World Championships in October in order to raise money and awareness to fight global poverty through CARE. I've asked everyone I know - and some complete strangers! - to donate money on my behalf directly to CARE, and the response has been overwhelming.

Here's what I'm asking you to do: Challenge yourself and set an ambitious fitness goal - you know, the one that has been burning inside you.

Maybe you want to lose a few pounds, climb a mountain or train for your first marathon. Get inspired. Get moving. Get your friends and family behind you, and ask them to support you however they can. Maybe they'll give money. Maybe they'll give time. Maybe they'll join you! Then, channel all of your new energy to live your best life -- as you help others live theirs. You can set up your own free fundraising page, in minutes, at FirstGiving. The moment you commit to this, everything will shift in how you look, feel and live. Do it. You need the exercise...and the world needs you.

Join me on this mission-driven journey. Together we can motivate each other to achieve something truly meaningful -- and lasting. Every step you take toward a better life for yourself will be a step on behalf of marginalized women and girls worldwide.

Speaking of steps, I have a few thousand to log right now with a fire in my eyes -- and women like Albertina in my heart.


Here is more information about CARE and Eric's unprecedented quest, The Million Dollar Ironman in which he is striving to break the 9-hour barrier at the Hawaii Ironman World Championships in order to raise $1 million for CARE.

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