Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Lifestyles of the Fit & Famous

OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL MONTHS, I will be featuring famous people who have a special fidelity to keeping themselves healthy and fit. I will present the workout, diet, weight loss, lifestyle and success secrets of the healthiest celebrities—and distill it all into relevant advice for real people.

I will interview these celebrities, live on my podcast ( and then expand on the material here.
These "Fit and Famous" segments will deliver the kind of content that draws you in and inspires you to be a celebrated figure in your own right.

This is not vacuous celebrity gossip. We will feature icons that are famously fit, not merely because they’re in the public eye, but because they’re at the summit of their art. From athlete to entertainer, these are people who are genuinely committed to living healthy and spectacular lives—and who will explain to you what they do to look so good and glamorous at any age and achieve their remarkable success.

We all want to know if there’s a way for us to have what these luminaries do—but we rarely get practical answers to our questions. These "Fit and Famous" segments will give you that highly coveted information—to show you that you can become more than you ever thought possible.
These segments will entertain you by embarking on exciting adventures each week to reveal a more authentic, intimate side of celebrities while keeping things fresh, fun and real. We will enable you by uncovering the most valuable, achievable advice from your favorite stars and their trainers. In these "Fit and Famous" segments, we will not strive to worship the unattainable lives of celebrities, but rather to help you realize, deep-down, what is possible in your own life.

When you read and listen to these segments and then take that information and incorporate it into your daily routine, you will feel the surge of confidence and bliss that comes from living at a higher level and inspiring those around you—two reasons we fundamentally admire people in the public eye.
Imagine being motivated to live a healthier, more balanced and successful life—and to then be acclaimed by your friends, family, colleagues just as a bonafide celebrity is.

With these exclusive segments, we will redefine what fitness and fame are so that they become tangible goals you can truly experience and understand for yourself.

Stay tuned...

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