Sunday, April 1, 2007

Fitness Mistakes That MOTIVATE

“What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first step to something better.” —Richard Sheridan, Playwright (1751-1816)

Obstacles, setbacks and errors are part of any diet and exercise program. Here’s how to use them to your advantage—even to inspire you to greater heights.

YOU NEEDN'T BE a conspiracy theorist to wonder if something -– or someone –- is secretly plotting to keep you from eating right and exercising each time an obstacle arises. Who’s in on it? Your demanding boss, inclement weather, the Stairmaster hog, nagging back pain, Ben and Jerry. Hurdles are part of the natural order in fitness. It’s not if you experience them in your exercise program, it’s what you do with them that matters. People who learn to use obstacles and setbacks to their advantage can enjoy greater success in fitness, and in life. “Making mistakes is a good thing,” says Todd Weitzenberg, M.D., a sports psychologist and sports medicine specialist at Kaiser Permanente in Santa Rosa, California. “You learn more because mistakes force more introspection than successes do. Mistakes can teach you how to improve your fitness program and your life.” As Friedrich Nietzsche said: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Use these expert strategies for not only moving beyond the obstacles, but also emerging stronger, more confident and in better shape because of them.

: Identify your roadblocks
Ignoring the factors derailing your fitness is as detrimental as ignoring what’s causing your financial woes or anything else in life; matters only get worse. So identify what you’re doing or experiencing that’s contributing to the problem, then use that information to change your ways, fortify your resolve and improve yourself.

Try this Think back to past problematic fitness scenarios and write down 3-5 ways to resolve each one. For example, if knee pain kept you from exercising, your list may read: 1. Schedule appointment with knee specialist, 2. Get proper running shoes for my biomechanics, 3. Run on softer surfaces. If your diet always gets sidetracked in the evenings, your list may read: 1. Make heartier, healthier dinners, 2. Plan after-meal activities, 3. Go to bed earlier.

TIP: Change your mindset

By understanding the reasons behind your poor fitness and diet decisions, you can identify negative patterns and make positive future choices. “Understanding how our thought processes lead us to make certain decisions is integral to self-improvement,” says Dr. Weitzenberg.

Try this The next time you opt for a candy bar over a tuna salad or a rerun of “Friends” over a workout, pinpoint and write down what you were thinking at the time. For example: if you felt too tired to work out, write that down and then write down how to re-think that attitude (ie. “Working out will give me more energy, not less.”)

TIP: Trust your instincts

Sometimes missing a workout or indulging in a few extra fats is just what your body needs. Pay attention to how you’re functioning, and if you flat-out don’t have the energy to work out, give it a rest. Likewise, if you’re getting hunger pangs, eat! “The human body goes through distinct physiological changes over the course of each month, often referred to as circatrigintan rhythms,” says Murray Mittleman, M.D. a board member of The American Association of Medical Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics. “These physical highs and lows are perfectly natural. So listen to your body and modify your fitness program accordingly day to day,” he says.
Try this When you’re experiencing a low in your exercise program, work with your body, not against it. During your time off, write down how a day of rest is helping to rejuvenate your body. When you fuel yourself with foods that your body is craving, make a mental note of how they’re sating your appetite, or how you felt afterwards—and use the power stored in those foods to supercharge workouts the following day.

TIP: Defy your drawbacks

In fitness, an “all or nothing” mentality can lead to frustration and destroy your motivation altogether. “If being a slow runner is preventing you from running, you’re being a self-defeating pessimist,” says Dr. Weitzenberg. “Turn it around: use that weakness as fuel. Run one mile around a track and record your time. Then dedicate yourself to running it faster every week, even if just by five seconds. You’ll be amazed at how focused and motivated that makes you.”

Try this Write down things that keep you from exercising or eating smart followed by clear, direct challenges to yourself. For example, “Weakness: I am a slow runner. Challenge: I will run three times a week until I can run one mile under 10 minutes. I will prevail!” or “Weakness: I give into late-night chocolate cravings too easily. Challenge: I will not buy chocolate for 30 days.” Post that on your bathroom mirror.

Having the courage to transform your fitness and diet weaknesses into strengths—and following through on that commitment—is a powerful skill that can also net big dividends in your life.

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