Thursday, February 15, 2007

How to Keep From Falling Off the Fitness Wagon

Never give in. Never, never, never, never. -- Winston Churchill

WE'RE 43 DAYS into the new year. How are those resolutions holding up?

Falling off the fitness wagon can happen so easily, often without realizing it. We just sort of slide off imperceptibly over time until we're back to where we were 43 days into 2006. Sometimes life gets in the way. Mostly though, our thoughts are the secret saboteurs of our diet and exercise program.

It's one of the fundamental tenets of human physiology: How well you eat and exercise directly impacts how good you look, feel and think. Most of us accept that truth, yet still find ourselves struggling to make the best diet and workout choices.

Sugar cravings, lack of time and exercise ennui are well-known barriers to better fitness, but your biggest nemesis may be your own mind.

"When you make a poor diet or exercise choice, it's much more mental than physical," says Jim Taylor, a sports psychologist with a consulting practice in San Francisco. "It's not that you're too tired to work out; it's that you convince yourself that you are."

Case in point: The pre-workout internal debate in which you teeter between working out and packing it in. You may feel tired when you begin, but once you get going, you get energized. It's a matter of overcoming that initial mental hurdle.

The same goes for eating well. You know that snorking down an entire bacon-filled cannelloni may not be the wisest choice, but you order up anyway. If you find yourself rummaging for the remote control instead of your running shoes or reaching for the baklava instead of the banana, the trick is to interrupt those negative mental patterns by taking positive actions that get you on the right track before you can think not to be. Here are four ways to do that:

TIP: Cue yourself in

"Different visual and auditory cues can be very powerful motivators," says Taylor. "What we see and hear can influence our moods - and the decisions we make." For example, watching a televised marathon or a show on fitness may inspire you to get up and go work out. Even smaller cues, like having your workout gear and healthful foods at your fingertips or posting inspiring pictures of athletes and fit bodies, motivational quotes and other words of encouragement, will keep your mind on making healthy choices.

TRY THIS: On a series of index cards, write down your "best of" excuses for skipping workouts on the front ("I'm exhausted"; "It's boring"); and on the back, counter them with fresh, compelling reasons to do the workout ("Exercise energizes me!" "Have fun - try a new workout today"). You can do the same thing with diet excuses and solutions, as well as posting inspiring quotes or images of athletes in places you'll see them most.

Tip: Act before you think

"Our ability to rationalize and reason can be our downfall," says Diane Roberts Stoler, a Georgetown, Mass., licensed psychologist, board certified in both health psychology and sports psychology and a member of the American Psychological Association.

"We can list a dozen reasons why we shouldn't work out or why we 'deserve' the candy bar. Much of the time, we give in to those reasons." But if you do something before the thought processes start, your head will likely follow your body's lead. "Most of the time, it's just a matter of getting started down the right path," says Stoler.

TRY THIS: When the time to exercise or eat is approaching, clear your head of any thoughts (i.e. "It's getting dark," "I'm too tired from work," "I can't work out with this painful carbuncle on my foot.") and simply take action. Begin getting dressed for your workout or start boiling water to steam vegetables. Your mind won't even have a chance to steer you in another direction, once you get going.

Tip: Play up the positives

Let's face it, eating healthier isn't always appetizing and exercising isn't always exciting, but the fact is these things will help you live longer - and better. The quality of our lives is determined, in large part, by the quality of the food we eat and the quality of the exercise we do.

So, focus on the positive payoffs and healthy consequences of smart eating and better fitness, rather than on the deprivation you feel when you must allocate the time to prepare a healthy meal or suit up for a ride. "The clearer you can visualize the consequences of your actions, the better chance you'll have making the right decisions," says Taylor.

TRY THIS: When you eat a healthy meal, allow yourself time to feel the healthful nutrients nourish your body. Reflect on the fact that what you just did will better your life in a tangible way. Know that eating better will improve the overall integrity of your family, because when you are healthier, everyone benefits.

Let me include this critical caveat: I believe food is a source of genuine pleasure in our lives. I am not suggesting that you swap out Big Macs and Ring Dings for bark and berries (unless that's your bag, baby). The point here is: We ought to be passion-driven, not guilt-induced when we eat. This tip of "playing up the positives" is merely meant to help you improve your diet by subtly shifting your focus; it's not about banishing delicious foods from your life altogether. The cost of that is nowhere near the benefit. It's all about a healthy balance.

Tip: Try something new

We humans are creatures of habit, and the thought of breaking out and trying something new can often feel daunting -- or inconvenient.

We tend to fall into routines, which can be beneficial in one sense. They produce results: work, sleep, family time, chores, gym workout, etc.

But, when it comes to exercise, routines can quickly become ruts, and ruts are the death knell of an inspired, effective fitness program.

TRY THIS: This week, set out intrepidly and try a new activity, such as swimming, racquetball, basketball or Bikram yoga. Or, prepare a fresh, exciting new recipe for dinner as a family. The simple act of trying something new can infuse your workout program and your diet with purpose and passion.

Mark Twain said: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Good health and fitness advice for us all.

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