Sunday, December 10, 2006

New Year's Not Here Yet, But Start Resolution Now

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS ARE ABOUT igniting the possibilities to live better, healthier lives, to seize the day, to feel extraordinary, and to inspire those around us by holding ourselves to higher standards.

Why am I writing about New Year's resolutions now -- in the middle of December? Isn't that taboo and tacky, like hanging Christmas lights before Thanksgiving?

No. And, here's why.

Your health is your most precious asset -- and life is short. The new year provides a golden opportunity to live your best life: to boost your energy, to get to your ideal weight, to feel more confident and to live with more grace and gusto.

The best way to achieve better health and a better life in 2007 is to hit the ground running. There's much you can do over the ensuing two weeks to set yourself up for success in the New Year. Here's how to do it in five simple steps:

Get on a mission

Goals, goals, goals. When people start burbling about "goal setting," my eyes glaze over, my head reels back and I feel like Homer Simpson ("I know this person's talking, but all I want is a nice bag of potato chips. Mmm, potato chips.") The word "goal" is so lifeless, I don't hear it anymore.

So, let's frame things differently.

When it comes to your new year's resolutions, set out on a "mission." Do you remember the Blues Brothers? Those guys were on a mission from God! If you watched that film, nothing -- not flamethrowers, maniacal hillbillies or an army of Illinois State Troopers -- could deter Jake and Elwood Blues from delivering that check for $5,000 to Chicago on behalf of the St. Helen of the Blessed Shroud orphanage.

Similarly, you should set fitness missions that inspire you deep-down. The best way to infuse your program with passion is to sign up for a few sporting events each year that raise money for charities important to you and to train for those events with friends. Take a moment right now to write down your health/fitness missions for the new year and how you plan on achieving them.

Identify your roadblocks

It's important not to dwell on the past, but it is important to learn from it. What held you back from living your best life in 2006? And, what will you do to overcome those obstacles this year? Ignoring the factors derailing your fitness is as detrimental as ignoring what's causing your financial woes or anything else in life; things metastasize.

So, determine what held you back from success in the past and then use that information to change your ways, fortify your resolve and improve yourself in the New Year.

Announce it

There's nothing quite like being accountable to those you respect and love. For example, if you are going to train for your first marathon in 2007, tell your closest friends, family and co-workers: "I am training for my first marathon this year. I (love/respect/admire) you and your support would mean a great deal to me." Having a strong and supportive social network is an important part of achieving your long-term fitness goals.

Start now!

If you are waiting until Jan. 1 to start exercising ... why? The commander of America's Third Army in Europe during World War II, Gen. George S. Patton Jr., said that there are times when a "good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow." The crux of his message was that if you wait too long to engage in battle, it might be too late. The same applies to your health: wait too long and it might be too late.

So, start moving your body now. By logging a few quality workouts in the latter part of December, you will be much better off in the new year. If you are sedentary, strive for three 30-minute workouts a week. If you're already exercising, up it a notch. A little investment in your body now will pay huge dividends later.

Stay steadfast

The best way to stick with your fitness plan over time is to allocate specific times each day for your exercise and to protect that time like your life depends on it - because it does. Research shows that those who work out first thing in the morning - yes, before e-mail, but after coffee! - are more successful long-term exercisers. There will be times when fitting in fitness seems impossible. Just stay the course - and stay committed.

Your health is your most precious asset. Treat it as such and 2007 may be your brightest, healthiest year yet.

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