Monday, January 14, 2008

Kiss Boomeritis Goodbye

On October 15, 2007, with a few unremarkable keystrokes, Kathleen Casey-Kirschling took one small step for a woman and one giant leap for a generation.

Ms. Casey-Kirschling, who is widely considered to be the nation’s first Baby Boomer, became the first Boomer to file for Social Security retirement benefits.

What does this have to do with fitness, you ask? A lot, actually. It means that the Boomers are getting older. And, that means that in order to make the next phase of their lives as healthy and fulfilling as possible, they must do things a little differently when it comes to physical activity.

Does this mean that I’m going to recommend that you pick up a copy of Richard Simmons’s - Sit Tight: A “Sittin' Down” Workout?” “Now as you sit there, lift your can of lima beans up to the sky. Good. Good for yooou!”

No. I’m not going to do that, because the Boomers are marching into older age in far better physical shape than their parents.

First, let’s get clear on what “older” is and is not.

“Older” is a fact of life. Time passes, we age, and our bodies change. However, “older” is also an arbitrary designation based on an arbitrary number. Granted, sixty years ago, “older” meant “old,” because old people looked and acted…well…old. In 2007, that word has been rendered all but meaningless. Eighty-year olds are surfing and playing tennis and bungee jumping and running (not jogging) marathons. And, they’re completing the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon in 16 hours.

Here’s what “older” is not: It’s not a valid reason to avoid getting into stellar shape. It’s not an excuse to slow down, make concessions, do less -- and go gently into that good night.

Baby Boomers comprise the largest segment of the American population at roughly 80 million strong. But a recent study indicates that while Boomers may be strong in numbers, they’re not so strong in body. Injuries among Boomers -- torn ligaments, stress fractures and knee problems – are at an all time high. “Boomeritis,” as health professionals call it, cost an estimated $22.8 billion in 2003. That’s the bad news. Here’s the good: It’s easier than you think to get into great shape, and the scientifically-verified benefits of physical activity include: a better heart, a better mind, a better body and a better life.

We often forget how good it feels to have a fit and radiant body. We learn to accept less. If that sounds like you, stop that. Start demanding more, and you will experience the joy and passion of what it feels like to be fully alive. It all starts with moving your body.

Motivation Follows Movement

This may sound like more self-help ballyhooing, but it’s true: the motivation to exercise does not spontaneously occur. In fact, the less you exercise, the less you’ll want to exercise. You simply must start moving to get motivated to move. If you are out of shape, as little as three 20-minute workouts a week can have huge, positive effects on your physical and mental health.

Sometimes the notion of getting into shape after a long layoff can be so daunting that it discourages people from even starting out. Those people operate under the false assumption that it takes a series of one-hour leg-pumpin’, heart-thumpin’ spin classes to get back into shape. Here’s the trick: First, consult your physician and make sure your body is ready for a new exercise program. Then, when you start back to exercising, don’t focus on any numbers: no “workout time,” no “calories burned,” no “repetitions,” no “heart rate zones.” Just be smart, listen to your body and have fun with it. If, on your first day out there, you complete a five-minute walk, that is a terrific start. Once you generate a little momentum, it’s a difficult force to stop.

Bear the Burden

As Boomers age, it is estimated that half of women over age 50 will suffer a bone fracture caused by weakened bones, while one in eight men will suffer the same fate. While it’s important to take care of your joints and never overdo it, avoiding weight-bearing exercise, such as brisk walking, climbing stairs, resistance training, etc., can actually increase the risk of osteoporosis. Light jogging, if your knees can handle it, is a terrific activity for Boomers. Strength training is a must as well, since you can lose up to a half-pound of muscle tissue every year after age 35. Strive to incorporate some form of strength training and weight-bearing activity into your routine at least twice a week.

Your Body is Keeping Score

“You are more likely to be killed by your couch than by a stroke or an accident,” says Jim Taylor, Ph.D, author of The Prime Sport book series.

“There are 35 diseases, collectively known as Sedentary Death Syndrome (SeDS), associated with a sedentary lifestyle,” says Dr. Taylor. “Each year, about 250,000 Americans die from them. Since only 28 percent of Americans exercise regularly, an estimated 60 percent of the population is thought to be at risk for SeDS.”

It’s important to understand that your body is keeping score, right this moment, and every moment. Ignore your exercise, and somewhere down the road your body will demand payment…with interest.

Most of us require some form of tragedy to make a positive change. We’re comfortable with the status quo. We wait until something goes wrong until we decide fix it. The U.S. medical model works this way; it depends on the appearance of symptoms to prompt action. This is no way to live. Take action now and pursue a simple exercise program, and you can be healthy and strong all the way to the finish line. Investing in your body is arguably the best investment you’ll ever make.

Mix it Up

Who says you have to run on a treadmill to get into shape? Not me, that’s for sure. Set me loose on the trails, and I can scamper happily over hill and dale for three hours. Put me on a treadmill, and I start weeping after 11 minutes. Find your “fitness bliss,” and the calories burned will be a natural consequence of the fun, rather than the focus of the activity. That’s when it becomes easier, and more rewarding, to get into shape.

Boomers, some say you have the best years ahead of you. If you commit to staying in shape, and taking care of your body, I believe the years ahead of you can be your best ones.

Go for it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Motivated by Forces Larger Than Myself

Hey, everyone! Well, after several months of lazily "blogging" my newspaper columns, I've decided to break out and blog in a proper way: raw, real and uncut! (Sounds like a Paris Hilton video sequel!)

Anyway, I am here at home in Fairfax putting in a big training block for the Big Kahuna Half Ironman Triathlon on September 9th. I'm looking forward to competing in this event, and based on recent benchmarks and a strong win in Sacramento in June, I ought to have a good outing at the "Big K." It's also a course that suits my strengths, indeed!

It's been a quite some time since I've had a fire in the belly when I train. I think a lot of it has to do with the new campaign I've launched with CARE, to fight global poverty, called "The I am Powerful Workout with Eric Harr." In essence, this is an opportunity for anyone to help eradicate poverty, simply by setting fitness goals for themselves. As you train and log your hours on the CARE website, I donate more money to CARE. I've committed $1 million over the next five years. I'm literally bribing America to get into shape! Hey, when pleading by health officials doesn't work to motivate people to exercise, maybe unmitigated bribery will!

This has given me a heavy dose of intrinsic motivation to work out and race, because I know I'm doing it on behalf of marginalized women and girls worldwide. I am literally swimming, biking and running for them -- and they are in my heart in every session. I spent a week in Mozambique this spring, with the very people I'm now setting out to help. This passion-driven mission is leading to some huge training breakthroughs for sure, mentally and physically. It's also been a lot easier to stay motivated day in and day out when I know that I'm doing this literally to save lives and empower women and girls in desperate circumstances. Fifteen thousand people die every single day on the continent of Africa -- of entirely preventable diseases. This is unconscionable, given our resources and our ability to help. That is why I've put my body, my heart, my soul (and my pocketbook) on the line to make a difference. I hope to lead others by example.

Please visit the CARE website and get involved: You stand to get healthier as you help others in need. It's a win-win for everyone. At the very least, please pass along the link to those you know and love.

Never before in history has a generation been empowered with the very real ability to wipe out extreme poverty in our lifetime. It's possible. We must seize the opportunity!

And with that, I've got a 90-minute run to do along the beautiful trails of Mount Tamalpais -- and I will do so with those women and girls in my heart. It's a beautiful life, isn't it? It's all how you look at it.

Until next time: Stay healthy, have fun -- and let's beat global poverty together!